Simplify elemental composition analysis with our industry leading XRF spectrometers

As elemental composition and impurity analysis take centre stage in optimizing battery performance, Malvern Panalytical's cutting-edge XRF instruments are designed to meet the diverse challenges faced by researchers and manufacturers.


Dive into the possibilities of elemental composition and impurity analysis with XRF technology, or connect with our experts to explore tailored solutions for your laboratory operation.

Examining elemental composition and impurities in battery precursor and electrode materials is crucial for optimizing performance, ensuring safety, and advancing energy storage efficiency. In addition, XRF can be used to analyse the composition of blended materials like electrode slurry or electrode coating for blending consistency and coat homogeneity.

Malvern Panalytical's XRF instrument range is an essential link in your analytical chain for robust, reliable and repeatable results.

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Epsilon 4

Epsilon 4

Fast and accurate at-line elemental analysis

Built on the experience and success of the proven Epsilon 3 range of XRF spectrometers, the Epsilon 4 is a multi-functional benchtop XRF analyzer for any industry segment needing elemental analysis from fluorine (F) to americium (Am) in areas from R&D through to process control. Combining the latest excitation and detection technologies with mature software and smart design, the analytical performance of Epsilon 4 approaches that of more powerful and floor-standing XRF spectrometers.



Smart Zetium for reliable results and robust operation

The Zetium XRF spectrometer leads the market in high-quality design and innovative features for elemental analysis from sub-ppm to percentage of Be to Am, meeting the most demanding process and quality control, as well as R&D applications.

The revolutionary platform embodies SumXcore technology – an integration of WDXRF and EDXRF. This unique combination of possibilities puts Zetium in a class of its own with respect to analytical power, speed and flexibility in multiple environments.

The intuitive SuperQ software simplifies application workflows and provides a wide range of additional software modules available for specific analysis. With the latest digital solution Smart Manager, a clear picture of the utilization and health of your system is presented to unleash the full potential of Zetium.


The world’s fastest, safest and most accurate fusion instrument for sample preparation

Developed to deliver the highest levels of robustness, unmatched productivity, and superior-quality results, FORJ™, a Claisse technology, is a game changer for sample prep by fusion. Whether your analysis is based on X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma (ICP), or atomic absorption (AA), FORJ is an essential link in your analytical chain.

  • Robust and reliable
  • High throughput
  • Repeatable results
  • Easy integration, installation, and use

Minimum maintenance, even in tough conditions

The costs of downtime and replacement parts are the last thing you want in the lab. Designed for less thermal stress and reduced risk of contamination, Our XRF products minimize the need for maintenance, ensuring greater efficiency and higher productivity.

Results you can count on

Analytical chains depend on the repeatability of results – and for that, high-quality sample preparation is key. XRF Analysers enable consistent heating between fusion positions, homogeneous melt, and contamination-free heating for superior analytical results.

Expert support on hand

At Malvern Panalytical, we’re experts in elemental analysis. Offering services ranging from on-site or remote technical and engineering support to useful training and practical advice, our network is here to give you the support you need. 

Demo at your desk - Epsilon 4

Review a demo at your desk of our latest XRF analyzer, 
for fast and accurate at- and on-line elemental analysis

The Epsilon range of XRF analyzers are an ideal analytical solution. They are capable of simple element identification and quantification up to more sophisticated analysis. They are easy to operate, compact and X-ray safe instruments without the need for additional chemicals or operating gasses. Considerable savings in time and cost are two of the many benefits XRF can bring compared to alternative analytical techniques.

Epsilon 1

Epsilon 1

Small, powerful and portable XRF analyzer

Epsilon 4

Epsilon 4

Fast and accurate at-line elemental analysis

Epsilon Xflow

Epsilon Xflow

Direct insight into your liquid process parameters

Epsilon Xline

Epsilon Xline

In-line control for continuous roll-to-roll processes

Measurement type  
Elemental analysis
Contaminant detection and analysis
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF)
Elemental range Na-Am F-Am Na-Am  
LLD 1 ppm - 100% 1 ppm - 100% 1 ppm - 100%  
Resolution (Mn-Ka) 135eV 135eV 135eV  
Sample throughput Up to - 80per 8h day Up to - 160per 8h day on-line/ continuous  

How to identify elemental composition and impurities with XRF


XRF analysis in the process control of battery cathode manufacturing

Optimize cathode material composition effortlessly with X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. Our experts at Malvern Panalytical offer a turn-key solution using Epsilon 4 EDXRF or Zetium WDXRF spectrometers, providing accurate measurements without the need for sample dilution or acid digestion.

Application Note
Application Note

XRF Analysis of Lithium Iron Phosphate Cathodes

LiFePO4, normally referred to as LFP, is a major cathode material used by lithium-ion battery industry. LFP has its advantage in superior safety and lower material cost compared to other popular chemistries like NMC (LiNixMnyCo1-x-yO2). Though LFP has lower energy density than NMC, this gap is diminishing fast with new battery manufacturing and assembling techniques, like Cell to Pack (CTP) and blade battery designs.


High-Throughput Battery Materials Analysis for Gigafactories

The Gigafactory model requires reliable materials characterization to achieve the promised efficiencies of vertical integration. Unifying the synthesis of battery materials, processing such as dispersion into inks, and production of cells is the first step to high-volume production and reducing vulnerability to supply chain problems. These steps benefit from automated high-throughput materials analysis that can be used for process control. This webinar will discuss in-line and at-line instrumentation combined with automated analyses from microstructural (particle size with laser diffraction) to chemical (stoichiometry with XRF) to atomic level (Li/Ni site mixing with XRD).


Focus on battery research: Addtional insight into your battery production process with XRF solutions

When Quality Matters Enabling long charge cycles and battery lifetimes is a top priority for battery manufacturers. One of the secrets to this? Elemental composition! Specifically, the ratio between nickel, manganese, and cobalt in a battery’s cathode determines its energy density (and the lifetime of one charge cycle) as well as the number of charge cycles it can withstand. That’s where X-ray fluorescence (XRF) comes in. Although traditionally overlooked, it provides significant benefits to battery manufacturing. Specifically, it can determine elemental composition in just 10 minutes during production. Discover in this webinar the technology XRF and where it can help battery manufacturers to optimize their production. The recorded session includes a Q+A session that answers questions from the audience that attended the live event.

Hear what our customers have to say

Affordable battery technology to electrify the world!

Scientists from Alsym Energy, a developer of low-cost, high-performance and non-toxic batteries, share their experience of collaborating with Malvern Panalytical. Alsym uses a number of Malvern Panalytical technologies which have fast-tracked their research to ensure their products are safe and perform to the highest standards over the longest possible time period.