Battery and energy

Battery and renewable energy storage: empower your research and production with the best analytical solutions

At Malvern Panalytical, we are proud to support battery makers around the world with a complete range of physical, chemical and structural analysis solutions. These solutions help determine a range of critical parameters: from particle size, shape, and elemental composition, to crystal structure, polymer molecular size and weight, weight, branching, and battery cell degradation mechanisms.

In the midst of the energy industry's shift toward carbon-neutrality and renewable solutions, batteries stand as a pivotal component in energy storage. Malvern Panalytical offers comprehensive solutions to address the evolving needs of this dynamic sector.


Groundbreaking solutions in Battery Development and Production

Find out how our scientific instruments empower researchers and manufacturers in shaping next-generation batteries:

The Scientific Instruments for Next-Generation Batteries

Cutting-edge instruments, fueling discovery and innovation:

Insitec range

Optimize process parameters and reduce waste
Insitec range


Crystalline phase analysis for research and production

Morphologi 4

Accurate particle shape analysis of electrode materials
Morphologi 4


Get the finest details with in-operando XRD

Epsilon 4

Accurately measure elemental composition in cathode materials
Epsilon 4


Chemical composition and impurity analysis made easy